
bed of roses



bed of roses为短语/超纲词汇

近义词, 同义词

bed of roses

我们今天要学的习惯用语都有这样一个关键词汇,bed。 Bed大家都熟,是床。Bed这个词虽然短小,但是在日常生活中却很重要,因为人生的三分之一以上时间毕竟得在床上度过。

今天要学的第一个习惯用语是:bed of roses。 Bed of roses是玫瑰花床,让我们想象一下,躺在用芳香柔软的玫瑰花瓣铺成的床上有多么心旷神怡。这简直是无上的享受。

Bed of roses,这三百多年来也确实被人们用来比喻称心如意的境遇,但是近年来bed of roses却更常和not或者no连用,成为否定形式。


我们来听这段话,请特别注意他话里有no bed of roses:

例句-1:My sister Irene works at a full time job and has two young sons to take care of when she gets home in the evening. Her husband Bob tries to help out, of course, but he just isn't too handy with kids. Believe me, her life these days is no bed of roses.


这里的no bed of roses显然用来描绘这种日以继夜、忙得焦头烂额的状况。


今天要学的第二个习惯用语正是bed of roses这个习惯用语的反面。它是: bed of nails。 Nails是钉子,不难想象躺在一床尖锐的钉子上面是什么滋味,那真是苦不堪言。


例句-2:Mike's looking for another job. His boss is rude and very bad-tempered. And the five people who work for Mike are lazy and untrained so Mike has to explain everything to them. Therefore, his job is a real bed of nails for him.

他说: Mike正在另找工作,他的上级粗暴无礼、脾气又非常坏,而在他手下工作的那五个人既懒惰有没受过什么训练,所以Mike凡事都得向他们解释。这样看来Mike在那儿工作真是如坐针毡,处境极其艰难。

这里的习惯用语bed of nails意思就是处境极其艰难。


今天要学的第三个习惯用语是: get up on the wrong side of the bed。 Get up on the wrong side of the bed,要是直译就是起床的地方不对头。这是个在美国通用的习惯用语,从二十世纪三十年代起一直沿用到今天 。


这时就可以用get up on the wrong side of the bed来描述这种整天情绪不佳的状况。事实上你并没有真的从错的一边下床。

我们来听个例子。说话的先生平常性情温和,今天却一反往常。我们听听他正在为自己的失常跟同事们打招呼。请特别注意他话里的习惯用语get up on the wrong side of the bed:

例句-3:I'm sorry I'm in such a bad mood today - I just got up on the wrong side of the bed. But our baby cried all night long. And I forgot to set the alarm so had no time to eat breakfast. After a good night's sleep I'll be okay again!

他说:对不起,我今天脾气真糟糕 - 我一整天都情绪不好。我们的孩子昨晚哭闹了一夜,而我又忘了上闹钟,所以今天早上早饭都来不及吃。只要晚上好好睡一觉,我就会回复正常的。


所以这里的习惯用语get up on the wrong side of the bed意思是“整天心烦意乱、情绪不佳,” 跟从哪边起床无关。这个习惯用语有时也可以说成:get out of bed on the wrong side, 意思不变。

1. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.

2. Even on Valentine's Day, when the price of a dozen roses and delivery can soar as high as $150, 12 of Roses Only's most expensive flowers sell for just $35.

3. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of his house.

4. But Roses Only's prices encourage people to spend.

5. While my friend, George, was reading in bed, two thieves climbed into his kitchen.
    我的朋友乔治正在床上看书时. 两个贼爬进了他的厨房.

6. When it grew dark, she turned a suitcase into a bed and put the children inside it, covering them with all the clothes she could find.

7. While my friend, George, was reading in bed, two thieves climbed into his kitchen.

8. When he touched his bed, it turned to gold.

9. When do you go to bed?

10. We go to bed at ten.
